Disposable Non invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring cuff
Product description
Generally composed of cloth cover, bladder, air hose and air hose connector.

Working principle
The principle of blood pressure cuff is to inflate and pressurize the cuff to completely occlude the artery, then the cuff is gradually deflated and the pressure is gradually decreased. When the intra-arterial pressure has just exceeded that imposed by the cuff lock, the occluded artery is flushed open to allow blood to flow. Flush the maximum pressure applied to the cuff to locate systolic pressure and flush the minimum pressure applied to the cuff lock to locate diastolic pressure.
Scope of application
Used in combination with non-invasive blood pressure equipment to measure non-invasive blood pressure.
Product performance
1. Appearance and structure: It shall have uniform color, smooth surface, no damage, scratch, deformation or other defects; there shall be no obvious mechanical indentation on the air hose connector, air hose, bladder and cloth cover, and no rust on the metal part; the product contact parts shall be fastened without looseness; the connection between the connector, bladder and air hose shall be firm and reliable.
2. Bladder bearing pressure: When the bladder of infant and newborn cuff is inflated to 150 mmHg, there is no rupture; When the bladder of thigh cuff is inflated to 300 mmHg, there is no rupture.
3. Bladder leakage pressure: When the bladder of a cuff is inflated to 250 mmHg, the leak pressure shall not exceed 2 mmHg in 1 minute.
4. Bladder release pressure performance: The time required for bladder to release air pressure from 250 mmHg to 15 mmHg does not exceed 4 seconds.
5. Adhesion force between hook surface and hair surface of magic paste on cloth cover: greater than 2.1 kg.
6. Cloth sleeve suture performance: greater than 2.6 kg.
7. Suturing performance of magic sticker surface on cloth cover: greater than 2.1 kg.
8. Suturing performance of the wool surface of magic cloth cover: greater than 2.1 kg.
9. Pull force between cuff connector and air hose: greater than 4.1 kg.
10. Tensile force between air hose connector and air hose: greater than 10.2 kg.